
Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Friday، 24 January 2025
Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs for January 25. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Aries Career Horoscope

When Mercury leaves your career sector in three days, for the first time since 2007 this will leave it empty until later in the year. With Pluto gone and his 16 year transit through your career sector over, this allows you to focus on just your game plan for this coming year, without having to think long term. Mercury's job is to lock in a sense of professional direction for the forces on the income and job fronts that are staying on.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Taurus Career Horoscope

Knowing that you have both Mercury returning to your career sector early next week and then a day later the Moon returning as a New Moon, gives you a chance to hold back and even take your work hat off over the weekend. It is when Mercury's intellectually savvy edge and the Moon's professional instincts kick in, that the time will be right to push the go for launch button on this new professional year.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Gemini Career Horoscope

When the Moon left your work sector yesterday, this not only left you with your instincts sharp but with a download of information to unpack from across the income, work and career fronts. However, this is something that will continue to evolve and especially between now and the end of next week, when Venus' final days in your career sector for now are set to have wide ranging implications.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Read More: The Best Careers for Each Zodiac Sign

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

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Cancer Career Horoscope

While the Moon's first visit to your work sector for the year and since Mercury left is a valuable chance to check in on work and job matters, this is also giving you a chance across the income, work and career fronts to regroup. Two weeks after the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos turned direct in your career sector and with Venus just nine days away, the Moon is giving you a read on the changing landscape of this professional year.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Leo Career Horoscope

While over the weekend the Moon will continue to put a lot of focus on the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence, this works to your advantage professionally. With the Moon set to join Mercury in his final hours in your work sector but as it is still two days away, this can guard against overthinking things while still allowing you to keep your head in the game.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Virgo Career Horoscope

While the Moon's clash with Jupiter in your career sector is a monthly event and is the fleeting and familiar work/life balance reminder it will deliver every four weeks throughout his 13 month quest for professional growth and expansion, the timing couldn't be better. With Jupiter just nine days away from turning direct and with big developments on the job front next week, heading into the weekend this is the right reminder at the right time.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

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Libra Career Horoscope

While the Moon connected with every planet across the income, work and career fronts before leaving your income sector yesterday, this was just a taste of things to come. The same planets the Moon connected with, between now and the end of next week Venus, now in her final nine days in your work sector will connect with. Starting with a friendly aspect to Mars in your career sector tomorrow.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Scorpio Career Horoscope

While the Moon won't form a friendly aspect to both planets in your work sector until tomorrow, already just having it in your income sector is giving work and job matters a timely nudge. Two weeks after turning direct but at a standstill until then the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos is ready to get the wheels moving, though the real progress will begin when Venus returns in nine days.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Sagittarius Career Horoscope

While Mercury is separating from a friendly aspect to Uranus in your work sector that peaked yesterday, until he leaves your income sector early next week, they will remain close. This is bringing Mercury's smart head for money together with Uranus' ability to think outside the square and to look at work and job matters through different eyes. Still in retrograde motion, this includes a chance to see the past through a different lens.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

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Capricorn Career Horoscope

As the Moon makes its first visit to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart for the year, as it has done since the planet of luck and expansion returned in May 2024, it clashes with Jupiter in your work sector today. This is the fleeting and familiar clash that is key to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off and with Jupiter turning direct and taking the brakes off work and job matters in nine days, this is the right reminder at the right time.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

Aquarius Career Horoscope

Thanks to the Moon's departure from your career sector yesterday and the contact that it made with every planet across the income, work and career fronts over the last few days, your professional instincts are sharp as you move into some even more extraordinary days. Between now and the end of next week Venus, now in her final nine days in your income sector will connect with those same planets, starting with a friendly aspect to Mars in your work sector tomorrow.

Pisces Career Horoscope

As the Moon makes its first visit to your career sector for the year, this was always going to be a valuable chance to check in and especially with so much water having already passed under the bridge. While the Moon has returned to find Mercury gone from here and Mars from your work sector, your professional instincts will be telling you that they have both left the door open for unexpected developments over the coming months.

Your Career Horoscope for January 25, 2025

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