
Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 24 December 2024
Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas! Today is a chance to reflect and regroup without pressure, allowing time for rest and insight before the new year begins. Find daily astrological predictions for all sun signs for December 25. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

Aries Career Horoscope

With Mercury not returning to your career sector for another two weeks and with Pluto's 16 year visit having ended last month, this is a chance to spend time with just the Sun here for the first time in decades. This gives you time to simply be aware without a need to reinvent the wheel or to focus on the when, where and how. All that can happen in the early weeks of 2025.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Taurus Career Horoscope

While Pluto had already spent over seven months in your career sector before retrograding back out in September and was only gone for 11 weeks, this will be the first time the planet of change and transformation will end one professional year and start the next here. However, here now for the next 20 years it won't be the last, with a chance to look to the changes you might want to make moving forward, but without the pressure of having to reinvent the wheel overnight.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Gemini Career Horoscope

Because this is not an ordinary working week, the Moon's return to your work sector today is a more a chance to let your subconscious download information and insight without having to overthink things. As for the first time in nine years, you will be moving into the New Year with the asteroid Juno, the queen of commitment here in your work sector, this will be a chance to fine tune your resolutions for 2025.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Read More: The Best Careers for Each Zodiac Sign

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

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Cancer Career Horoscope

With the Sun returning to your work sector later in the week and more importantly on the other side of Christmas, you can afford to take your work hat off. Even if you are working through the holiday period, as the Moon steers your attention to the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence it will be easier to detach. It is later in the week that you will have a chance to regroup before moving into the new professional year.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Leo Career Horoscope

While the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of each year in your work sector and the solar spotlight is always on your work situation and matters over Christmas and the holiday period, this year in a far more stripped back and low key way. For the first time since 2007, the Sun is on his own and with Mercury still two weeks away and the rest of the planets been and gone, this is a chance to pull back and even put things on hold until after the New Year.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Virgo Career Horoscope

While you will be spending Christmas with three planets in your work sector and for the first time in 12 years Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion in your career sector, for the most part, these are planets that are playing a long game. Jupiter is here until June and Pluto is in the early months of a 20 year visit, with the planets of luck and change gearing up to make a big splash in 2025.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

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Libra Career Horoscope

While both planets in your work sector are back in direct motion and are starting to pick up speed, only slightly and it is not until Venus returns later next week that things will become a lot more active on the job front. With Mars set to retrograde back in for a rare double dip visit to your career sector just a few days later, this is not just giving you permission to keep your work hat off over Christmas and the holiday period, there is a need to.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Scorpio Career Horoscope

It is just as you are heading into the New Year that the Moon is spending the final hours of its last visit to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart clashed with the dwarf planet Eris, the warrior princess of the cosmos in your work sector. While this is the ordinary reminder the Moon delivers every four weeks when it comes to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off, the timing couldn't be better.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Sagittarius Career Horoscope

When the Moon returns to a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart every four weeks, it is an invitation to slow down and before leaving a clash with Uranus in your busy work sector will deliver its monthly reminder when it comes to knowing when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off. Returning in the heart of what is normally the working week this can be a problem but this time, the timing couldn't be better.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Read More: How to Decorate Your Home According to Your Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Career Horoscope

It is just as you are heading into Christmas and the holiday period that the Moon is wrapping up its last visit to your career sector for the year. As well as leaving you with your professional instincts and imagination fuelled, the contacts that the Moon made yesterday is leaving you with a download of information and insight to unpack during any downtime over the holiday period.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

Aquarius Career Horoscope

The Moon's return for its last visit to your career sector for the year in what should be the heart of the working week will instead see it spend Christmas here, the one time of year when most of us get to take our work hat off. Whether you are working through the holiday period or are lucky enough to take time off, this is a chance to regroup and over the coming days reflect on your resolutions for the coming year.

Pisces Career Horoscope

In what would normally be the heart of the working week, the Moon's return to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery today couldn't come with better timing. Both because this will make it easier to keep your work hat off over Christmas and because ahead of the Moon's return to your career sector later in the week and the chance this will bring to regroup, even the professional gods are calling for a wait and see approach.

Your Career Horoscope for December 25, 2024

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